more from the cottage..........



A fabulous weekend at the cottage!


we had an awesome time this past weekend up at the cottage, meeting family we have never met like "fridge boy" and having everyone together for the weekend! i know there are a few people excited to see the pics so i am posting a few, (just to tease you) 'til i have more time..............

................ more tournament pictures to come!!!!!!

Summer isn't summer without alittle............



This was Shelby's second year playing ball, she is starting to really play well, being on a coed team, having to play champion boys team, doesn't really give you a choice! lol That ball is coming hard at you, you better catch or else!

I love this! lol She was trying to steal and had to quickly go back!

She never stops...............


singing!! lol

my baby is hooked, she absolutely loves high school musical, i think she probably sings the songs in her sleep.

yesterday she discovered the front window makes the perfect stage.......
hey Cars, keep soaring, and this songs for you! xoxox

Cool tools.................


the internet is full of fun things to do and make life easier, thought I would start to add some of my favorites!

are you addicted to blogs like me? lol i follow a ton of blogs and to keep them in order and to view the easy updates check out

bloglines keeps track of all the blogs i read and shows me whenever someone updates their blog, easy reading such a time saver!

stay tune, i'll add some other cools things later! :)

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