Introducing.................. Ella...........


Best friends aren't born, they're made one great memory at a time


New this week "Wordless Wednesday"!

May Mother's Day Makeover!!!


If you have been following my blog lately or if you have talked to me, you know I am having great success with the FYM lifestyle.

In total I have lost 21.75" and 10lbs in 12 weeks! I feel awesome! The changes you experience with increased energy level makes the lbs and inches lost a bonus!

If your interested here is the link to check it out! Fit Yummy Mummy
You can read more about FYM in my other posts below.

The exciting news is Holly has created a fabulous Makeover for Mom's and it is FREE!
There are a ton of experts sharing their knowledge! You can check it out here Yummy Mummy Makeover and sign up to participate!
Early Happy Mother's Day!

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