Just a quickie...................


Recovering from the weekend! lol Isn't it funny how it always seem you need a weekend after your weekend!

Freezing temps here are keeping everyone inside, it is suppose to be -18 on Thursday! I am glad Carsen and I had took advantage of the warm weather last week to have fun playing with some pictures last week to celebrate her turning 5!

Can you believe my baby is 5!!!!!! I can't, I don't know where the time has gone! I remember ladies on the street stopping me when Shelby and Avery were little telling me to enjoy these moments because they grow up too fast! With Shelby and Avery being only 1 year and 2 weeks apart I was laughing to myself "yeah not soon enough". Well I am eating that laughter now!

Wordless Wednesday!


Busy skating night here! All cuddled up watching American Idol now. The auditions are so hilarious!

To see how many people are visiting this site, leave a comment, let's get some action on the comment section! Ask a question, leave a comment, whatever you'd like!

Before I leave though what is a post without a picture or two or three!

These were taken back in November, they are growing up to fast!

Avery Skating Jan. 13 2008


Avery placed 1st in Pre-Preliminary A! Just click pause on the music at the side before you play the video!

Video's by John Beaugrand.

Shelby Skating Jan 13 2008


Shelby's first Star Skate competition. She place 8th out of 11.

Kalahari round two..................


This resort is definitely turning into our favourite winter escape.......we were lucky enough to be able to spent 3 days, 2 nights this time...... and the kids rode out every available minute!

With it's new huge addition, Kalahari had tons to do for everyone and even with the busy holiday season, the line up's for slide were really nothing at all.

My favourite part was the new addition has a special roof that enables you to actually get some sun! Signs are posted encouraging the use of sunscreen......I was so warm, I could of been in Florida.

The wave pool was a popular spot for the girls...... I did venture in for a bit, seemed more like human bowling.... the majority of the crowd was in or around the pool and when the horn blew to warn of the waves, the pool was packed. Waves would crash in, sending kids on their tubes to take me out at the knees. Many laughs were had.........

This was one of the new slides, we called it the toilet bowl, not sure on
the real name, lol. At the end it swirled you around in the bowl then dropped
you out!

Will had a mini celebration for a little earlier birthday party for Carsen, she
was so thankful for the huge chocolate chip cookie cake!

The after effect from the cookie cake!

Kalahari is decorated in an African theme which is absolutely beautiful. I love this shot...

another celebration and Christmas morning......


Baby Kale was one of the highlights at the Welch christmas. He was
such a good boy being passed from person to person. The little girls
couldn't get enough of him!

Our Christmas was so magical!
We were so busy with the pre Christmas activities we ran out
of time to have our family outing to cut down our tree. We sent
Kirk to the city to grab one, it was nice with our busy schedule
to have it set up in the livingroom when we arrived home from
school and be able to decorate it right away.

We will never forget this tree! Have an eye in the following pictures,
you will see why our christmas tree was out at the curb before noon
on Christmas morning! lol

I love the next picture with the dramatic lighting,
it's perfect for capturing Shelby with her stocking.

The emotion in the following photos, is priceless. We
will never forget the excitement, when these packages were

Carsen kept saying, I wonder which box Santa put my Baby Alive
in......... she was quite confident the big man can through with her

What do you think the girls have just opened?

These 5 photos with all the expression are my favorite!
Oh, and are you seeing the tree needles on the floor?

The Wii is a hit and everyone looks forward to their daily fitness

Carsen loves her littlest pet shop playground,

..... and her baby alive, which she never put down the entire day!

Christmas was wonderful, we had a ton of p.j. days,
but we were excited for the new year as it brought a
new exchange student, and a trip to Kalahari.

But more about those later!!

Been too long..... a peek at our holidays......


I know, I know it has definitely been too long since I last wrote anything! I was swallowed up by the holidays! :)

We are working on getting back into a routine. No university courses this month. With me changing university's, one of the perks for me at Athabasca U is the flexiblity to start courses monthly! I am scheduled to start one course Feb 1, and one Mar. 1. I may also start one April 1 we'll see how things go.

Anyways..... on to the pics....

A week before christmas we were dumped on with some snow, the storm started after midnight Saturday, and this is what we awoke too.

Daisy was enjoying the snow!
In many places she had to leap and try to keep above it!

Our holiday started in Markham, celebrating with the Rhodes family.
As always we had a fabulous time with everyone, although the B.C. folks were missed.

Check back tomorrow....... more to add!

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