the WINNER is ......................................


I want to thank everyone for being so patient waiting for the winner. We have been playing phone tag for a couple days but finally talked tonight!

First I want to thank all of the entries, it definitely wasn't an easy choice! There are many deserving people out there. I will be doing this again this year!

Anyways on with the winner, here is the entry:

After having decided to give some thought to who I would nominate for the Giving is Awesome Photography Package, I discovered it took me no time at all that I came up with a name.

While I do not know this persons personal life well, I do know from my stand as a reporter and photographer from a local newspaper, this person has quietly worked in the background of our society, picking up what other people may consider as useless or trash and given them a new life.

This person, is Alynn of the Barkin Rescue.

I first met Alynn, a little over a year ago when someone on Facebook had mentioned that they had rescued a dog from the Barkin Rescue. Intrigued I queried as to what exactly the Barkin Rescue was and quickly discovered that it was a dog rescue in our local area.

Being a reporter I am always looking for a news story and contacted Alynn, and needless to say after a brief conversation she agreed to meet with me.

As with any story of humanity, I was not sure what I would see when I first arrived at Alynn's home, not only in the sense of what animals or what condition they would be in but also what kind of person Alynn was.

I was greeted by three barking dogs, who all bore the scars and markings of coming from a past that was best left behind, followed by a smiling young lady who warmly welcomed me into her home. Despite the battle wounds they (the dogs) were happy once again.

After the usual greetings, I asked Alynn to tell me her story, which I will now tell to you.

A few years ago, Alynn lost her faithful companion and decided to adopt a rescue dog from the Barkin Rescue, then run by a former local police officer. Upon discovering what the Barkin Rescue does for abused and neglected dogs and sometimes cats, Alynn quickly became an advocate and upon the rescue founder’s job relocation, the owner and operator.

In Alynn's time with the Barkin Rescue she has seen some of the most horrific acts of cruelty to man's best friend in the way of abuse, torture, starvation, and neglect. In our meeting, I learned that Alynn has rescued over 800 dogs who have been fostered and introduced to a new life in their "forever homes". Barkin Rescue is a non-profit organization and is solely run by Alynn and the odd generosity from people who realize what she has done for these animals. The rest all falls on Alynn and her determination to change the way the world sees animals. That they have feelings and can love again even after what they have seen from others.

I also learned that Alynn is also a mother, who also works full time, and has a caring heart for all around her. She is a quiet person, yet one who has the strength to enter into situations that would make anyone of lesser resolve cry or just simply walk away.

By the end of our meeting, Alynn had become quite concerned about the publicity I was going to give her. She did not want the story to be about her, what she wanted was for me to inform the public about the cruelty these animals face, and that we as a society need to take a stand and ownership for our actions.

I can honestly say after meeting with Alynn I could not forget her story and two months ago, I had the opportunity to work with her again. I had two young students from high school, who had a school project on communications, and asked if they could work with me for a day. Not knowing what to exactly assign my two shadow reporters, I was at a loss until Alynn contacted me for some more coverage on a newly released book that was written by the founder of the Barkin Rescue.

After explaining my shadow reporters to Alynn she quickly agreed to meet with my girls to do a story with them. Our meeting left the girls with the same impression as I had the first time I met her. Wow, this woman goes to the lengths of the universe to give a new life to something that was thrown out as trash.

She doesn't do it for the glory or publicity in fact she shies away from that. She doesn't do it for the money. She doesn't do it for anything other than the lack of love and humanity that these dogs have seen.

I would like to nominate Alynn, because anyone who could do so much for someone who was told and shown by their owners that they were useless and nothing but trash, when it would be easier to just walk away and ignore the situation like the rest of society tends to, deserves to have something special like the Giving Is Awesome photography package.

I have spoke with Alynn on the phone and checked our Barkin Rescue website, I am very excited to spend some time getting to Alynn and her family on our photo session!

Thanks to everyone for caring and nominating! I was truly touched by all the stories!


Stayed tuned... giving is awesome!


As soon as I get in touch with the winner, and get their permission I will post!

And of course I could never post without a picture!

Our snow family!

Giving is awesome!!!!


And, in the spirit of giving - I would love to GIFT a photo session to a special family. Here is how you can be a part of brightening *someone’s* holiday season and starting their 2009 off on the positive side…

I have joined the giving is awesome phenomenon! There is nothing more satisfying than to be able to share whatever your gift is with other people.

You know someone. You know someone who’s experienced a tragedy, is struggling to stay afloat, is raising kids while holding down more than one job, or is volunteering selflessly despite extenuating personal circumstances. Someone who never puts themselves first and always thinks of others, someone who has changed your life, made it better and they may not even know it. You know someone who can’t afford custom photography, but who would cherish it this holiday season. You know someone who deserves a year-round reminder of their family’s spirit, love, and beauty.

You know someone. I guarantee it.

I want to know who they are, and I want to give them the chance to experience complimentary custom photography — $500 worth, to be exact. I would like to give a very special person (or persons!) a photo session, 30 5x7 images and a DVD of their session to enjoy.

Oh, and the best part? The person who nominates the winner receives a $100 print credit. What better reason to show some love could there possibly be, people?

*It can be anyone who you feel is deserving for ANY reason but you may not nominate yourself.

* The nominee must reside in the Windsor/Chatham-Kent/Sarnia/London or surrounding areas. Tell me who you know, what they’re experiencing, and why they are deserving. Please include a way to contact both your nominee and yourself as well.

* You must e-mail me the full story and please put "Giving is Awesome" in the subject line :

All nominations must be received by midnight, January 23rd.

The winner will be announced on January 25th, 2009 — get nominating! I can’t wait to read all of your entries!

Please forward this along to everyone you know and let’s get the nominating started!

Open your heart to someone this holiday season — and thanks for giving me the opportunity to open mine.


julie :)

PS - If you are reading my blog and you are NOT in Southwestern Ontario - but you know a family who is deserving - please visit to find a photographer in your area who is participating in this generous venture!

Wishing all of you Peace, Love and Happiness in 2009, from our family to yours!


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